Portfolio Landlord Mortgages
For professional landlords with four or more properties

Portfolio Landlord Mortgages
A portfolio landlord is a landlord who owns four or more properties.
Obtaining mortgages for a professional landlord has become more difficult in recent years for some due to the additional stress testing some lenders want to impose upon portfolio landlords.
These checks are to ensure these landlords are in a strong and secure financial position.
As an experienced brokerage our job is to work with our clients to marry them up with the best mortgage provider for their personal or business circumstances.
Having built relationships with hundreds of lenders and now have access to 1000’s of products we are best placed to find not only the best deal, but ensure your mortgage application goes all the way through to completion. We’re with you every step of the way.

Professional landlord mortgage criteria
Generally a professional landlord would need to evidence that their portfolio is ”self financing” i.e. isn’t costing more than the income that is coming in.
They would also want to know you have been letting property out for a period of 2 years or more.
Most buy to let mortgage lenders will also require a minimum 25% deposit, but some will lend with as low as a 15%.
As the income you earn on a rental property is taxable, we recommend seeking independent advice from someone like your accountant, before purchasing a buy to let property.
Does a portfolio landlord mortgage cost more?
Not necessarily, as with any mortgage it largely depends on your credit history, income and the property. Our specialist advisor team will ensure we find the best possible deal for you and your circumstances.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate most buy to let mortgages.