Visitor guidance
Following recent changes to the government’s measures to tackle the coronavirus in England, we have updated our visitor guidance accordingly.
Updated guidance for visitors
Following the recent changes to the government’s measures to tackle the rising cases of coronavirus in England, we have updated our visitor guidance accordingly.
To enable us to continue meeting with our customers and associates in a safe manner, all meetings at our offices must now be booked in advance. If you have any of the most common symptoms including, a new continuous cough, fever, high temperature, loss or change in sense of smell or taste, please do not attend.
We can easily rearrange your appointment, when you have been advised that it is safe to do so. You can also use our online mortgage advice service, which we have been successfully operating since the outbreak of the coronavirus.
When visiting our offices, all visitors must sanitise their hands, sign the visitor book and have their temperature taken on arrival. If your temperature reading is 37.8C or greater, you will unfortunately be unable to enter the building.
Face masks must always be worn at our premises, except when eating or drinking. Due to the current restrictions, we are unfortunately unable to provide any refreshments currently, but you are more than welcome to bring your own.
If you would like to book a face-to-face appointment at one of our offices or are due to visit us and have a question about the changes to our visitor guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us.